Sectors Development Forums Where Developers Meet

Our Vision

A new spirit of cooperation between companies and countries working on comprehensive development.

Our Mission

Providing ideas and solutions to accelerate economic growth in developing countries, and developing diverse sectors in emerging markets to raise living standards and quality of life.

Our Community

We are fortunate to have the support of an important economic and scientific elite who represent, with their expertise, a fundamental value. 

We consult them when creating the ideal content and provide recommendations and solutions to support governmental and private institutions to develop visions, strategies and implementation mechanisms. 

To achieve change, leaders and decision-makers actively contribute to the development of these visions by deepening the discussion around them and transforming them into practical steps by putting them into practice.

Our additional community activities with youth, students and other segments of society create a positive interaction with various issues, and make change a community activity.

Support and Funding

To carry out our work, we rely almost entirely on the financing and sponsorship of the private sector as part of its social responsibility, in addition to the support of non-profit institutions. We also obtain knowledge support from all institutions whose work is related to these sectors.

LIBYA Since 2007

TUNISIA Since 2015


They Trust Us

Our Team Includes

Rabie Shrair

Founder & GM

Gemma De Bernardi

Marketing & PR

Yasin Krewi

Projects Coordinator

Nesrin Shara

Logistic Corednator